Here's a huge THANK YOU to everyone who has helped Jaedin with his project!
Today we went shopping to buy the materials to make the newborn kits. Here's Jaedin picking out some of the things:

He raised enough money to make 15 entire newborn kits!!! Here he is with Nathaniel and Jenacy putting the kits together:
When we got them all packed up, Jaedin said, "Babies of Ecuador, here come your presents!!!" It was super cute :D
Today we went shopping to buy the materials to make the newborn kits. Here's Jaedin picking out some of the things:

Thank you so much for all the donations we have received! We're absolutely amazed that Jaedin was able to almost quadruple his original goal of $100! Thank you so much for supporting this cause, and for supporting Jaedin and his big idea! It's been amazing to go through this Christmas season with the kids thinking more about what they can do for others instead of what is under the Christmas tree. This has been a month filled with service and we've felt the amazing joy that this Christmas season offers! Thank you, everyone, for your support!